It's a Hard Life
(I don't want my freedom
There's no reason for living with a broken heart)
This is a tricky situation
I've only got myself to blame
It's just a simple fact of life
It can happen to anyone
You win -- you lose
It's a chance you have to take with love
Oh yeah -- I fell in love
But now you say it's over and I'm falling apart
It's a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each other's hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another right from the start
When you're in love
I try and mend the broken pieces
I try to fight back the tears
They say it's just a state of mind
But it happens to everyone
How it hurts -- deep inside
When your love has cut you down to size
Life is tough -- on your own
Now I'm waiting for something to fall from the skies
I'm waiting for love
Yes, it's a hard life
Two lovers together
To love and live forever in each other's hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another -- right from the start
When you're in love
Yes, it's a hard life
In a world that's filled with sorrow
There are people searching for love in every way
It's a long hard fight
But I'll always live for tomorrow
I'll look back on myself and say I did it for love
Yes, I did it for love -- for love -- oh I did it for love
white day barusan aku dikasih cd greatest hits-nya queen. lagu2nya membuat aku nostalgic terutama pd masa2 sma waktu aku sering diantar tidur dng balada semacam love me like there's no tomorrow, friends will be friends, save me, jealousy, bohemian rhapsody, and it's a hard life. suara freddy mercury bagaikan terowongan yg menarikku ke masa lalu. jadi teringat pada seragam putih-abu2.. teringat pd seorang teman yg menulis lirik lagu queen di sampul belakang kamus bahasa inggrisku.. so, lagu yg satu ini khusus utk lovers of the past.
Menjadi Wanita Single Lebih Menyenangkan ...
(Kompas, Kamis, 03 Maret 2005)
Di zaman ini, tak mendapat jodoh di ambang usia 30-an bukan masalah lagi. Baju pengantin yang anggun menawan tak lagi menarik minat wanita modern. Apakah menjadi wanita single lebih
Survei di Jepang menunjukkan hal itu. Berdasarkan jajak pendapat yang dilakukan surat kabar Yomiuri, 7 dari 10 wanita lajang di Jepang yakin mereka benar-benar bahagia dengan hidup sendiri alias tidak menikah.
Jumlah wanita yang enggan menikah ini terus meningkat rata-rata 10 persen dari tahun ke tahun. Saat ini, tingkat kelahiran di Jepang begitu rendah, hanya 1,29 anak untuk setiap wanita -- salah satu yang terendah di dunia.
Yang menarik dari survei yang dilakukan surat kabar Yomiuri adalah semakin tua responden yang ditanyai semakin sedikit yang mengatakan bahagia hidup melajang. More...
tjap tjay: solusinya, menikah di usia 50. it's supposed to be the "golden age" kan?