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live like a dog
(asahi shimbun, 12-13 feb 2005)

if a dog was your teacher, you would learn stuff like:
1. when loved ones come home, always run to greet them
2. when it's in your best interest, practice obedience
3. let others know when they've invaded your territory
4. take naps
5. stretch before rising
6. run, romp, and play daily
7. avoid biting when a simple growl will do
8. on hot days, drink lots of water, and lie under a shady tree
9. when you're happy, dance around, and wag your entire body
10. delight in the simple joy of a long walk
11. eat with gusto and enthusiasm. stop when you have had enough
12. be loyal. never pretend to be something you're not
13. when someone is having a bad day, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently

kalo lagi gak di indonesia, hari raya sebangsa idul fitri atau imlek mampir dan pergi begitu saja tanpa bekas. biasanya baru ketahuan sesudah hari2 besar tsb lewat, atau sdh sempat tau tapi lupa pada harinya. (soalnya tetangga2 pada sunyi senyap, alias tdk ada yg merayakan.) so, a belated new year's wish to all "chinese" -- gong xi fat choi!

officially, yg namanya musim semi sudah tiba. tahun baru imlek pada dasarnya adl perayaan menyambut datangnya musim semi. tapi yg namanya nature mana peduli dng segala macam man-made "officials," krn temperatur udara justru tambah dingin beberapa hari terakhir ini. walaupun begitu, spy mood-ku lebih spring-like, i'm changing the blog template again. i got this gorgeous picture of violet tulips (my favorite flower!) from the stock.xchng.

"nine out of ten persons say they love chocolate. the tenth lies."
-- jean anthelme brillat-savarin, 19th-century culinarist